9/11 Toxic Exposure and Pancreatic Cancer in Women
One of the many cancers that those exposed to the toxic 9/11 dust have been diagnosed with is pancreatic cancer. This serious condition has [...]
9/11 Cancer Risks Continue Among FDNY Firefighters
Twenty-three years after the 9/11 attacks, firefighters from the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) continue to face heightened risks of cancer and chronic [...]
9/11 Exposure at Ground Zero Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer
In the more than two decades since 9/11, the number of diseases linked to exposure to the toxic dust at Ground Zero continues to [...]
Mistakes to Avoid When Making a VCF Claim
As of March 2024, nearly 133,000 people were enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program. Nearly 7,000 were deceased. This reflects the number [...]
Flaws in 9/11 WTC Health Program Draw Lawmakers’ Attention
Over 130,000 Americans have enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program since the attacks on 9/11, receiving free medical monitoring and care for [...]
Remembering Those Lost In the 23 Years Since the 9/11 Attacks
When the planes struck the buildings on September 11, 2001, few New Yorkers could have imagined that more people would perish because of the [...]