Link Between 9/11 and Higher Rates of Leukemia
Blood cancer or leukemia is one of over 70 cancers that have been linked to the dust cloud that arose in the aftermath of [...]
Wrongful Death Claims Under the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund
More than double the number of downtown workers, residents, students, and 9/11 responders have died from cancer or other diseases as those who perished [...]
Why You Need a Lawyer to File Your Zadroga Act Claim
The Zadroga Act claims are requests for compensation for injuries, illnesses or loss of earnings suffered by individuals exposed to toxins in the aftermath of [...]
9/11 Toxic Exposure and Pancreatic Cancer in Women
One of the many cancers that those exposed to the toxic 9/11 dust have been diagnosed with is pancreatic cancer. This serious condition has [...]
9/11 Cancer Risks Continue Among FDNY Firefighters
Twenty-three years after the 9/11 attacks, firefighters from the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) continue to face heightened risks of cancer and chronic [...]
9/11 Exposure at Ground Zero Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer
In the more than two decades since 9/11, the number of diseases linked to exposure to the toxic dust at Ground Zero continues to [...]