Link Between 9/11 and Higher Rates of Leukemia
Blood cancer or leukemia is one of over 70 cancers that have been linked to the dust cloud that arose in the aftermath of [...]
9/11 Exposure at Ground Zero Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer
In the more than two decades since 9/11, the number of diseases linked to exposure to the toxic dust at Ground Zero continues to [...]
VCF Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses
The World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) provides responders and survivors of the attacks with free medical monitoring and treatment for their 9/11-related conditions. [...]
How Far Did the Toxic Dust Travel After 9/11?
It surprises some people to learn that many more people have died from the effects of the 9/11 toxic dust than from the terrorist [...]
9/11 Related Cancers in 2024: What to Know
Multiple types of cancers are among the most devastating health effects of exposure to the toxic dust after the 9/11 attacks. To date, the September [...]
Getting to the Bottom of New York’s 9/11 Victim Compensation New Laws
Since its inception just weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) has gone through a number of changes. [...]