9/11 Illness Deaths for FDNY Will Soon Surpass the Number of Those Killed in the Terrorist Attacks
The attacks of September 11th saw the deaths of 2,997 souls: All 40 aboard Flight 93 that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, 184 at the [...]
21st Anniversary: Remembering Victims of 9/11
In remembrance of the 9/11 terrorist attack victims, their families, and the survivors, we reflect on the tragic event that occurred 21 years ago. We [...]
WTC Toxic Dust Exposure Increased Neuropathy by 15 times
Among the many illnesses and injuries resulting from the September 11th terrorist attacks, some of the most dangerous and persistent are those caused by [...]
World Trade Center Exposure Patients are More Likely to Suffer from “Long-Term” COVID
Among the many pivotal events that Americans have endured since the dawn of the 21st century, two stand out: the September 11th terrorist attacks, and [...]
Post-September 11th Related Illnesses
In the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, most emergent medical attention centered around injuries including [...]
Uterine Cancer Could Be Added as a 9/11 Health-Related Issue
Although it’s been more than two decades, September 11, 2001 is a day burned into our nation’s memory. Some remember watching the news in [...]