The Digestive System and Gastrointestinal Effects of 9/11
The toxic dust cloud and fire fumes that enveloped New York City in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks have caused a wide range [...]
What If My Current Name Is Different from the Documents That Support My VCF Claim?
When claiming with the Victim’s Compensation Fund (VCF), claimants must submit a significant amount of paperwork, including documents that verify identity and support the [...]
Are September 11th VCF Awards Taxable?
To date, more than 80,000 claims have been made to the Victim’s Compensation Fund (VCF), the fund that helps compensate victims of the 9/11 [...]
WTC Health Program VS September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
One silver lining to emerge from the 9/11 attacks has been the comprehensive aid available to anyone whose health was negatively impacted in the [...]
VCF Rules for Those Suffering From 9/11 Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a chronic health condition where the airways become blocked during sleep. Sufferers temporarily stop breathing for between 10 and 30 seconds [...]
What To Know About VCF Non-Economic Loss Awards
In many types of personal injury claims in New York, a complainant can seek non-economic losses as well as economic losses. The non-economic losses [...]